Tuesday, November 26, 2019

MTV Effects essays

MTV Effects essays Music TV channels, broadcasting variety of programs ranging from ordinary music videos through charts, various shows to cartoons are the symptom of our times. No matter if it's MTV or VIVA, they sell very similar stuff, often cheap and shallow. The pop culture and consumption grasped the most powerful device that is television. It is used as a tool for spreading out information, ideas and appeals. Oftentimes they are silly and ridiculous, nevertheless they have enormous influence on people who watch it. Image has become the most widespread form of expressing ideas and for communication. It has been seeded in many people's minds. Colorful and quickly changing pictures surely affect human personality; it influences the way we behave, dress and exist. Young people tend do be and look like their VJ's from the TV screen. They wear in certain way, they cut their hair, pierce or tatoo their bodies, just because of their TV idols doing that. TV hosts become the role models to follow, they are gurus and authorities on almost every field of human life from fashion to ethics and morality. They sell some patterns of behavior that other people can consider weird or outrageous. Their ideas can be good and honorable as well as freak and dumb. TV creates an ideal of a 'perfect' woman and man with all the paraphernalia and pressure connected with it. Many young women (as they appear to be more susceptible to that tension) put themselves on diet, wear strange clothes etc. just to fit in the 'official' picture. People buy 'proper' brands of outfit, cosmetics and even food, they become the slaves of fashion, fashion that often is nothing but garbage glittering and shining on the surface but empty and dull inside. Tracks from the top of the charts, however stupid or unmusical-like they are, can be safe to be sold in millions of copies all over the world. Here comes another phenomena, music that used to be of ...

Friday, November 22, 2019

Create The Perfect Social Schedule With Social Templates [Demo] - CoSchedule Blog

Create The Perfect Social Schedule With Social Templates [Demo] Blog We all know better, compelling messages get more clicks, so why not share more of them, more often? In a recent survey, nearly 77% of you said you only share your content 1-3 times on social media! Get more engagement, social shares, and traffic out of your content with reusable social templates! Create the perfect social schedule with social templates. [Demo]Create The Perfect Social Schedule With Social Templates Schedule your social messages in bulk with reusable social templates, so you can share posts faster and drive more traffic to your blog. Never copy/paste again. Fill your entire social queue with social helpers, so you can focus on crafting quality messages that increase user engagement and clickthroughs. Keep your social schedule consistent by pre-planning days, weeks, and months in advance. Keep your social schedule consistent by pre-planning days, weeks, and months in advance.Create a Social Template in Your Calendar (1:55) (3:26) Create custom text and graphics for each social platform with  social helpers (5:10) How to add variety to your social template with social helpers (9:22)  Applying your first social template (11:33)  Customize and add variety to your social campaign by filling in your social helpers How Builds a Social Template for Their Own Editorial Calendar (16:54) (19:15)  How s marketing team customizes social helpers for each piece of content. Recommended Reading:  This Is The Social Media Posting Schedule That Will Boost Your Traffic By 192% in oneplace. Save 20 hrs this week alone and every weekafter. If youve ever kicked the tires on , nows the time to see what its reallylike. Schedule Your Demo Success! Your download should start shortly. Clean up the chaos with your editorial calendar! With , youll Save time with blogging, social, and email think HOURS every week Schedule your social posts in batches and increase your posting frequency super easily Get your sht together and hold yourself accountable to publishing like the boss you are! Now’s the perfect time to start your 14-day free trial to see for yourself! Start Your Free Trial

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Reflection of Past Work Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Reflection of Past Work - Essay Example took the alternative perspective that â€Å"peer pressure could act as motivation because it boosts one’s morale in becoming better at certain things. Under motivation children coming financially unstable homes find the momentum to work hard in their academics to get better jobs†. Taking the alternative perspective is not easy because we have to research more in justifying our position. This however is not the case when we write a narrative such as in the case of A Helping Hand. This piece may be longer to write but is actually a joy to do it. I enjoyed writing it because it allowed me a greater degree of creativity to create my own story. Unlike in editorial where I have to be reasonable in my position, personal narratives are based more on what I feel and think and I do not have to make solid justifications about it for as long as the reader can relate and understand what I am writing. In the first place, the goal of a personal narrative is to reach out and affect the reader and not necessarily convince him or her with my arguments such as in the case of editorials. Writing about a favourite subject such as the performing arts in the A Day in the Fairytale is also such a joy to write. It is because I just have to write what I felt and saw during that time and need not justify what I think about it such why I enjoy the comical aspect of the dance in the opening curtain of the show. This is fun to write because I only have to focus on the positive aspect of the experience most of the time. If there are negative aspects to it, they are very few if any and are often negligible and overwhelmed by the positive aspects of the experience. For example, the Nutcracker centers around family affair and that theme alone overshadows that not so impressive aspects of the performance. And writing about it is almost without pressure as I just have to relate with the performance. This however is not the case in writing a technical story such as â€Å"What a Flood of

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

The Structure of Computer Forensic Report using FTK imager Case Study

The Structure of Computer Forensic Report using FTK imager - Case Study Example The main individuals involved in this feud are the two co-founders or owners of the company. Apparently there was a string of mailing and communication between these individuals which eventually led to the leaking of the private company information. Since most communication and file exchanges are conducted via email, the network was then prone to compromise given the unprofessional and lack of secured system. As the founders of the company, the two main involved individuals, that is, Alison Smith and Jean are in difficult terms since both parties claim there was a communication between them that led to the release and exposure of the private company information. The CEO, Alison is the paramount who authorized the investigation to be carried out to facilitate the troubleshooting and identification of the origin of the communication and email threads that eventually led to the information leak. The examination of Jeans computer media was essential in the investigation given that was the origin of the spreadsheet document. The forensic examination would eventually aid in the finding of conclusive data as to why and how the data ended up on the competitors web page. The findings gotten from the examination were essentially positive and offered conclusive information regarding the events that led to the information leak. Jean had to grant permission for investigators and auditors to go via his computer emails to be able to examine the email signature blocks and headers. The thread in the email conversations retrieved from Jeans computers display the source of the intrusion within the system that led to the compromise of company information. Below is the email message signature block displaying where the information was actually sent by Jean with thought and assumption hat she was communicating with her co-worker and company founder,

Saturday, November 16, 2019

The War on Drugs Essay Example for Free

The War on Drugs Essay Despite large amounts of government funding and agencies working together the war on drugs is the most counterproductive measure the United States has launched because its main focus was to stop drug trafficking and criminal activity, but it has done nothing but increase incarceration and large amounts of spending by the U. S. One of the first bills introduced to the United States was the National Prohibition Act in 1920 and also the 18th Amendment. This bill prohibited the manufacture, transportation, and sale of alcohol on a national stage for every day consumption. The only way to get a hold of alcohol at the time was to obtain a prescription from the doctor for medical purposes. This was just another way the government can tax and control the use of alcohol consumption at the time. In 1933 the prohibition act was repealed. Because of the increase of other drug substance abuse outside the abuse of alcohol with the approval of President Franklin D. Roosevelt and the Department of the Treasury the Federal Bureau of Narcotics was introduced and the adoption of the Uniform State Narcotics Drug Act was established and created. First the war on drugs has been a long and expensive campaign the United States has invested in, to include resources, and manpower. President Johnson was the first president to focus illegal drug use. He be believed half of the crime committed in the U. S. was in drug relation and grow by 90 percent over the next decade. The Johnson Administration was the true beginning on the War of Drugs. President Johnson created the Reorganization Plan of 1968 which merged the Bureau of Narcotics and the Bureau of Drug Abuse to form the Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs within the Department of Justice. The belief during this time about drug use was summarized by journalist Max Lerner in his celebrated work America as a Civilization: As a case in point we may take the known fact of the prevalence of reefer and dope addiction in Negro areas. This is essentially explained in terms of poverty, slum living, and broken families, yet it would be easy to show the lack of drug addiction among other ethnic groups where the same conditions apply. (Inciardi The War on Drugs IV, 248) The use of term War on Drug was first used by President Richard Nixon in 1971. President Nixon was also wanting to continue the anti- war precedent set by Johnson. The start of the U. S. to counteract the war, was to implement the Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act of 1970. When President Nixon and Admistration declared the end the war on drugs it was manly stated for laws and acts that was made from earlier prohibitation act and laws not for the new era of drugs to sweep the United States . The actual term war on drugs was coined when in 1971 Congress of the United States released a report that there was a growing trend among the United States serve members from Vietnam that were addicted to heroin and other control substances. The Bureau of Narcotics was replace with the Drug Enforcement Administration in 1973. As early as 1982, with the intense epic of drug use sweeping the nation the United States increased aid and more involvement, tasking the help of the CIA and military indirection efforts national and international levels. Nixons drug force agencies practice illegal acts to make arrest to meet demands of the public, this put a widely held of the arrested made was of African-American personal. The following two presidents Ford and Carter, kept the tradition of continuing to respond with programs of their predecessors. In 1982, Ronald Regan became President with a radical bias within the War on Drugs received a new revitalization. In a speech delivered soon after taking office, Reagan announced, â€Å"We’re taking down the surrender flag that has flown over so many drug efforts; we’re running up a battle flag. Within his first five years of being president he strengthened drug enforcement. He created mandatory sentencing, forfeiture of cash and real estate. In 1986 Reagan was able to pass the Anti-Drug Abuse Act through Congress. This legislation cost the tax payers a additional $1. 7 million to fund, established 29 mandatory minimum sentences for drug offenses. Reagans former Vice-President George H. W. Bush was the next in the oval office. He shared the same political views and background as past presidents. Intensifying narcotics regulation when the First National Drug Control Strategy was issued by the Office of National Drug Control in 1989 and doing nothing to reduce sentencing disparities and racial bias carrying over from the Reagan administration. The following three presidents Clinton, Bush and Obama continued with the trend and maintaining the promise to overcome the epidemic of drugs that will not be tolerated and over come during taking office. There are over one million people every year in the United States incarcerated due to drug law violations. With the increase of the youth involvement of drug violation, this has had a everlasting effect of them to include permanent removal of education opportunities, the ability to vote, obtaining employment become far more difficult because of violations of their youth. Studies show that the War on Drugs has made a permanent underclass of people who have few educational or job opportunities, often as a result of being punished for drug offenses which in turn have resulted from attempts to earn a living in spite of having no education or job opportunities. The drug was is said to have wasted billions of wasted tax dollars and misallocated spending. The government has spent more money on the drug war then it was spent of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan combined. Due to the over whelming account of people being incarnated it has put a financial drain and a puts a stain on the legal and law enforcement resources. Due to prohibition in the United States, criminal organization have found other means of transportation, growing and distribution causing a lost of many lives. Drug cartels are the only organizations that gain profit from prohibition which is regenerated for smuggling, violence and corruption in government networks. The next generation on fighting the war of drugs is coming. The question is to ask are selves to spend are tax payer money on prevention or treatment. The US funded a research study that showed that all of the Governments effects to stop drug trafficking coming into the United States all little to no effect. From the RAND Corporation the study, Sealing the Borders: The Effects of Increased Military Participation in Drug Interdiction, was prepared by seven researchers, mathematicians and economists at the National Defense Research Institute, a branch of the RAND, and was released in 1988. (R. Reuter 1988) There have been similar conclusions conducted by seven on organizations. The RAND corporation has also included that budget money for drug enforcement should be spent on treatment other then prevention. In 2008 a declaration was announced to balance a drug policy to the prevention, research, education and treatment. Many people are in favor of treatment and prevention instead of punishment sue to the high amounts of financing for law enforcement and court cost of the tax payers. In conclusion, the measure the United States have implemented to combat drugs, smuggling and drug abuse have been at best unsuccessful, and at worst counterproducvtive. If the United States truly desires to curb drug abuse, new forward thinking methods such treatment and rehabilitation would have to be implemented.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Beloved and Numerology Essay -- essays papers

Beloved and Numerology In literature, numbers are used to communicate important messages to the reader. The author uses references to numbers to strengthen the important ideas of the novel. In many cultures numbers carry an important or significant meaning to them. These numbers can carry a meaning more efficiently than using only words. In Beloved, Toni Morrison uses references to numbers to emphasize the significant ideas of the novel. Morrison uses these numbers to represent the persistence of slavery brought upon in Sethe’s life, her children’s life, Paul D.’s life, and Baby Suggs life, after slavery has ended. These references to numbers are important because they show how these characters are affected after it has ended. Through physical means, through the actions of these characters, and through psychological means of these characters, Morrison shows the haunting continuation and aftereffects of slavery. In many novels the first sentence is the most important sentence in the novel. The first sentence can set the way for the remainder of the novel. In Beloved the first sentence, and first word of the entire novel uses numbers. Because numbers are used first, before any words, I find that the references to numbers are very important. 124 is in the first sentence on the first page. The sentence states, â€Å"124 WAS SPITEFUL† (Morrison 3). This sentence is in all capital letters and also bold print. This shows an importance that this reference to numbers has on the novel. This number used on the page sets up the haunting story of slavery in one particular black household. The number refers to the house number in which the main characters live in. This house, 124, is haunted by the ghost of the baby of the main ch... ...acters, through physical aspects and through psychological aspects. 124 and the two different representations of Beloved is the physical aspect of enslavement. The different actions of the characters that live in 124 represent the replay of roles of slavery. And the trinity represents a psychological aspect to show these characters still think, mentally, that they are slaves. The references to numbers also let the characters realize that they should not feel enslaved anymore. Because of the numbers that Morrison it both ties the characters directly back to act and think as a slave, and the numbers let the characters know that they should not be enslaved any longer. Morrison uses the references to numbers to strengthen the idea that the haunting continuation of slavery persisted even after slavery ended. Works Cited Morrison, Toni. Beloved. New York: Plume, 1988

Monday, November 11, 2019

Curley’s wife in Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck Essay

John Steinbeck at the beginning of the novel creates dislike towards Curley’s wife. However by the end of the novel we feel sympathy for her. Steinbeck uses many different techniques to present Curley’s wife such as†¦ Colour imagery Appearance Metaphors Similes Dialogue Foreshadowing Descriptive words QUOTES The rectangle of sunshine in the doorway was cut off Tart E ver’body out doin’ som’pin’. Ever’body! An’ what am i doin’? Standin’ here talkin’ to a bunch of bindle stiffs—a nigger an’ a dum-dum and a lousy ol’ sheep—an’ likin’ it because they ain’t nobody else.† well, you keep your place then, nigger. I could get you strung up on a tree so easy it ain’t even funny. ‘I never get to talk to nobody. I get awful lonely.’ ‘I could made somethin’ of myself†¦Maybe I will yet.’ ‘Coulda been in the movies.’ ‘I don’t like Curley. He ain’t a nice fella.’ On Lennie ‘Jus’ like a big baby.’ ‘Her body flopped like a fish’ ‘He pawed up the hay.’ CONTEXT Curley’s wife is the only women at the ranch, women in 1930’s America where treated as less just like Curley’s wife. Women where seen as unintelligent and this is just like Steinbeck portrays Curley’s wife. Also in 1930’s America blacks and whites did not get along. There were many segregated places like hospitals and church’s etc. people where racists just like Curley’s wife was towards Crooks. Curley’s Wife Curley’s wife knows her beauty is her power, and she uses it to flirt with the men at the ranch and make her husband jealous. Steinbeck at the beginning portrays Curley’s wife to be mean and seductive. She brings evil into the men’s lives by tempting them in a way they cannot resist. Eventually, she ends the dream of, the little farm where George and Lennie wanted to live.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Orion Systems Jaguar

What recommendations would you make to Rosas about organizing the Jaguar project, and why? Ans: Looking at the major assessment of problem of how ORION projects are manage, it will be plausible for Rosas to shift from the matrix structure and engage in a dedicated project teams structure. The reason been that is, dedicated project teams has a simple form of approach to a particular project where the functional organisation remain intact with the project team operating independently.It is also fast, meaning projects tend to get done more quickly rather than the matrix structure where you can be assigning multiple roles. It is very cohesive and this result in a high level of motivation which allows participants to share a common goal and take responsibility toward the project whiles the matrix structure there will be lack of strong project ownership.There is also cross-functional integration which allows specialists from different areas work closely together and, with proper guidance b ecome more committed to optimizing the project but not their respective areas of skill and this becomes the solution for the scope creep ORION has been encountering in terms of delays and design modifications that were inconsistent with customer requirements which was cause by the tendency for design engineers to get to absorb with the science of the project that they lost focus on practical considerations.ORION major problems of how project are manage; Higher than expected cost, Quality concerns, Problem with customer support, lack of strong project ownership and Scope creep 2) How would you change the organisational chart and master plan to reflect these changes? My chart ORION Organisational chart. Project manager Mechanics System engineer Electronics System engineer Deputy planning and control management Team Leader Team Leader Team Leader Team LeaderProject manager Team Leader Deputy planning and control management Electronics System engineer Mechanics System engineer Tradition al functional departments In organising projects as dedicated teams, the project manager becomes the team manager and work together with the rest of the team supported by the traditional functional department’s whiles in the matrix structure used by ORION each team have a different team leader. Master Plan Training Training programDocumentation and and test equipment SDR/PDR/CDR/TRR/PRR Build Production line Environment tests Laboratory tests and delivery Production Activities/time 6-12Months 1-6Months Design reviews Design and Development Production and Delivery ILS Lockheed martin justify that using a dedicated project teams structure facilitate a quick completion of a project.Now, if Lockheed martin uses 43days to complete an American fighter jet then I don’t see the reason why ORION will spend over 7years to make light-rail trains by using the matrix structure. Therefore, by using the dedicated project teams the process of tests, production and delivery can take le ss than the usual years ORION use to complete a particular project. So by using the dedicated project teams, I change the years on ORION master plan to months to reflect how fast it is to use the dedicated project teams rather than the matrix structure.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Free Essays on How To Select And Advertising Agency

How to Select an Advertising Agency: A Structured Approach Below, I suggest a structured procedure for evaluating an advertising proposal or â€Å"pitch.† If you would like to see an example of the use of this procedure, see Armstrong (1996). To apply this procedure, use the Proposal Evaluation Sheet, available on the Advertising Principles homepage. This application relates to a bidding of the Subaru account. Ideal Selection Criteria: What the Clients Should Get I suggest an examination of 11 criteria when selecting an agency. To determine whether my list is comprehensive, I reviewed it with five experts. In all, they represent over 120 years of experience in advertising. One of these expert is currently a director of a large New York advertising agency, one had been the head of advertising research for a large consumer products company, one is the founder and head of a moderate-sized Philadelphia agency, and two are marketing professors who have worked for ad agencies. I asked them what is missing from the list and how would they weight these factors in the evaluation of an agency. Interestingly, the experts did not think anything was missing from the list. Also interesting was that they thought that each of the elements was of some importance. The average weightings across the five experts are provided in parentheses. 1. Planning techniques: Do they know how to plan a campaign effectively? For example, do they provide an effective time-line for developing a campaign? Do they consider alternative strategies? Do they have contingency plans? Did they plan this meeting effectively? Much evidence exists that formal planning techniques will improve the performance of an organization. Are they aware of this research and of the recommended procedures? ( 9%) 2. Objectives: Do they focus on your primary objectives? Do they know how to assess the effectiveness of advertising so as to be able to determine whether the advert... Free Essays on How To Select And Advertising Agency Free Essays on How To Select And Advertising Agency How to Select an Advertising Agency: A Structured Approach Below, I suggest a structured procedure for evaluating an advertising proposal or â€Å"pitch.† If you would like to see an example of the use of this procedure, see Armstrong (1996). To apply this procedure, use the Proposal Evaluation Sheet, available on the Advertising Principles homepage. This application relates to a bidding of the Subaru account. Ideal Selection Criteria: What the Clients Should Get I suggest an examination of 11 criteria when selecting an agency. To determine whether my list is comprehensive, I reviewed it with five experts. In all, they represent over 120 years of experience in advertising. One of these expert is currently a director of a large New York advertising agency, one had been the head of advertising research for a large consumer products company, one is the founder and head of a moderate-sized Philadelphia agency, and two are marketing professors who have worked for ad agencies. I asked them what is missing from the list and how would they weight these factors in the evaluation of an agency. Interestingly, the experts did not think anything was missing from the list. Also interesting was that they thought that each of the elements was of some importance. The average weightings across the five experts are provided in parentheses. 1. Planning techniques: Do they know how to plan a campaign effectively? For example, do they provide an effective time-line for developing a campaign? Do they consider alternative strategies? Do they have contingency plans? Did they plan this meeting effectively? Much evidence exists that formal planning techniques will improve the performance of an organization. Are they aware of this research and of the recommended procedures? ( 9%) 2. Objectives: Do they focus on your primary objectives? Do they know how to assess the effectiveness of advertising so as to be able to determine whether the advert...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Reflexive Verbs and Pronouns in Spanish

Reflexive Verbs and Pronouns in Spanish I hit myself. Bill hurt himself. They saw themselves. Did you find yourself? What do the above sentences have in common? Obviously, they all have pronouns that end in -self or -selves. Less obviously, but as a corollary, they all use pronouns that stand for the subject of the sentence. In other words, the subjects and objects of the verbs in the above sentences refer to the same person. Another way of putting this might be that the subject of each sentence is engaging in some action that affects the same person or persons. If you can comprehend that, you understand the basic concept behind the grammar of reflexive pronouns and verbs in Spanish. Reflexive pronouns in Spanish are closely related to direct and indirect-object pronouns, following the same rules of word order and using most of the same pronouns. The Reflexive Pronouns of Spanish Here are the reflexive pronouns in Spanish with a simple example of each and a translation: First-person singular: me - myself - Me oà ­. I heard myself.Second-person singular familiar: te - yourself - Te oiste. You heard yourself.Second-person singular formal, third-person singular: se - yourself, himself, herself, itself, oneself - Ella se oyà ³. She heard herself. Èl se oyà ³. He heard himself.  ¿Se oye usted? Do you hear yourself?First-person plural: nos - ourselves - Nos oà ­mos. We heard ourselves.Second-person plural familiar: os - yourselves - Os oà ­steis. You heard yourselves.Second-person plural formal, third-person plural: se - yourselves, themselves - Se oyeron. They heard themselves. Verbs Used Primarily or Only in the Reflexive One major difference between Spanish and English in this matter is that in Spanish many verbs exist only or primarily in the reflexive form. There is only one common English verb that shares this characteristic: to perjure oneself. Examples of verbs that exist primarily or frequently in the reflexive form are acostarse (to go to bed), divertirse (to have a good time), ducharse (to take a shower), enamorarse (to fall in love), enojarse (to get angry), levantarse (to get up), sentarse (to sit down), sentirse (to feel), and vestirse (to get dressed). It is also common to use the reflexive form when performing some action on a part of the body. Examples include secarse el cabello (to dry ones hair) and lavarse las manos (to wash ones hands). Note that the infinitive form of reflexive verbs is usually stated by placing -se at the end of the infinitive. Translating Reflexive Verbs Note that for many of these verbs it is not necessary to translate the reflexive pronoun into English. Se acostà ³ a las nueve, she went to bed at 9. Me siento triste, I feel sad. But with many verbs, especially those that are less frequently used in the reflexive, the pronoun must be translated.  ¿Te ves en el espejo? Do you see yourself in the mirror? And in still other cases, you can translate with or without translating the pronoun. Se vistià ³ en su coche, he got dressed in his car, or he dressed himself in his car. Sometimes, the reflexive can be translated using each other when in the plural form. Nos miramos, we looked at each other. Se escucharon, they listened to each other (or to themselves, depending on the context). Romeo y Julieta se amaron, Romeo and Juliet loved each other. As usual, context should be a key guide when translating to English. In some cases, putting a verb in the reflexive form can make it more intense, as we do sometimes in English by adding a particle. For example, ir means to go, but irse is usually translated to go away. Similarly, comer means to eat, but comerse might be translated as to eat up, as in se comià ³ cinco tacos, he ate up five tacos. Often in Spanish the reflexive form is used where in English we would use a passive form of a verb. Se cerrà ³ la puerta. The door was closed (a literal translation would be the door closed itself). Se perdieron los boletos, the tickets got lost. Translating "-self" to Spanish Sometimes in English we use the reflexive pronouns as a means of emphasizing the subject rather than as a true reflexive, as in the sentence, I myself performed the task or I performed the task myself. In such cases, the reflexive form should not be used in the Spanish translation. The first sentence would typically be translated using mismo: Yo mismo hice la tarea. The second sentence also could be translated by paraphrasing its meaning: Hice la tarea sin ayuda (literally, I did the task without help). Key Takeaways In reflexive sentences, the direct object pronoun of a verb represents the same person or thing as the subject.Spanish reflexive pronouns are used much like English -self words such as myself or ourselves when those words are used reflexively.Many Spanish verbs are used only or mostly in the reflexive form.

Saturday, November 2, 2019


REFLECTIONS ON YOUR JOURNAL AND THE COURSE - Coursework Example may fall sick at the workplace, either because of overworking or pitiable working conditions, they do not ask for leave because they fear losing their jobs. â€Å"Factors affecting working people today† is also another compelling story (Friedman). It details the economic and social conditions that affect workers in the contemporary society. Top of the list is unworthy working conditions, coupled with other factors such as low pay or underpay, change in technology, insecurity, and cultural and religious differences. The central theme in the stories is unworthy and deplorable working conditions that modern-day workers face in their course of duty. Poor management or negligence in the part of the administration to offer its workers a suitable working environment is a central reason for sickness and work-related injuries. From the journal reading, there are some policies and strategies that employees should adopt to ensure workers do not fall sick. Sickness and absenteeism affects productivity in a workplace, and this is detrimental to the success of an organization. It is essential that employers ensure the safety of their employees at all times through provision of appropriate safety equipment and provision of a healthy work environment. In addition, they should adhere to and enforce necessary labor